The Travelers Guide to Coronavirus
June 26, 2020
Why Choose an Airport Car Service?
October 11, 2023Special Thank You To Senator Portman & Governor DeWine for your response.
Again thank you to Senator Portman and the Governors office for taking the time to answer questions commonly asked on local wedding professional boards and by couples who are planning weddings in the upcoming months. Below you will find the questions asked to them and their response.
We know that during this time everyone is facing some sort of hardship and that finding the right answers can sometimes be challenging so we are doing our part to help couples with their questions at this time. Please visit our Facebook page under videos to see our weekly Love in the Time of Coronavirus live stream to review the Q&A sessions with area wedding professionals.
Responses via Governor DeWine's Office
For gatherings of 10 people or less (weddings):
Does the mass gathering count include all people total (including any vendors)?
We’ve heard the ceremony can be more than 10 people but must be immediate family only?
The ceremony has no limit and has no requirement of family relationships. The limit to ten persons is regarding the reception or party afterwards.
Are hair and makeup allowed to be performed if in the context of a wedding?
That is a fact specific question
Would masks be required for the client or photographer?
Mask are only required for vendor if it makes sense as outlined in the order.
Facial Coverings (Masks). Businesses must allow all customers, patrons, visitors, contractors, vendors and similar individuals to use facial coverings, except for specifically documented legal, life, health or safety considerations and limited documented security considerations. Businesses must require all employees to wear facial coverings, except for one of the following reasons:
Facial coverings in the work setting are prohibited by law or regulation;
Facial coverings are in violation of documented industry standards;
Facial coverings are not advisable for health reasons;
Facial coverings are in violation of the business’s documented safety policies;
Facial coverings are not required when the employee works alone in an assigned work area; or
There is a functional (practical) reason for an employee not to wear a facial covering in the workplace.
Businesses must provide written justification, upon request, explaining why an employee is not required to wear a facial covering in the workplace. At a minimum, facial coverings (masks) should be cloth/fabric and cover an individual’s nose, mouth, and chin.
Would 6ft of distance be required for the client from the photographer?
“as much as reasonably possible, maintain social distancing of at least six feet from any other person, with the exception of family or household members, consistent with the Social Distancing Requirements set forth in this Order."
Will dancing be allowed at weddings? Since it’s hard to social distance on a dance floor.
See above
Do you have any restrictions on what catering can be provided at a wedding or how it must be serviced?
No food specific orders at this time but see the general health orders
It would be extremely helpful to have of minimum time period this would be in effect (for instance so everyone through August or September can know they have to postpone their wedding reception [not an easy decision] instead of trying to "wait and see").
The current order is set to expire May 29, but Gov. DeWine has said we will be amending these orders before-hand.
Are there any wedding specific restrictions that the state of Ohio has.
Just the general health orders and the reception specific portion.
Are there any limitations to what wedding vendors can do at the wedding or leading up to the wedding?
Fact specific question